Blog IF last mile

Motocard achieves 9.1 customer satisfaction rate

Escrito por iF Returns | 24-nov-2023 10:59:39

The Challenge


From its inception in 1982 in the Principality of Andorra to its current expansion with 20 stores in Spain, Andorra, and Portugal, Motocard has proven to be more than just an equipment distributor. Their passion for speed and commitment to motorcycle and bicycle enthusiasts have been the driving force behind their continuous success.


iF returns faced the challenge of providing Motocard with a comprehensive digital solution that addressed end-to-end customer needs while minimizing manual operations in the intricate process of reverse logistics. The goal was to offer a seamless experience for users, from the initiation of the return process to its completion, eliminating the usual obstacles associated with returns and product exchanges. They sought an agile and efficient solution that optimized every phase of the return flow, ensuring a system that not only facilitated daily operations but also enhanced customer satisfaction. The need was to implement a platform that streamlined these processes, allowing Motocard to focus more on its primary goal: providing an exceptional and hassle-free user experience throughout the return and product exchange process.


Our Approach


The approach focused on several essential pillars to meet Motocard's needs. Primarily, it centered on revenue retention, acknowledging the importance of keeping customers satisfied to ensure a consistent and growing revenue flow. The platform was developed to be intuitive, user-friendly, and centered on the user, aiming to streamline and simplify return and product exchange processes. This solution was not only about operational efficiency but also aimed to offer a modern, user-friendly, and transparent portal providing valuable insights into customer behavior and returned product flow. The ultimate goal was to significantly enhance customer satisfaction by providing an optimized and seamless user experience throughout the return process, thereby increasing trust and loyalty toward Motocard.


The Impact


The implementation of iF returns at Motocard has had a significant and positive impact on return management. The brand no longer worries about the complexity of this process, successfully improving the customer experience. Thanks to the provided digital solution, the time spent managing returns drastically decreased, achieving a reduction of up to 4 times compared to previous methods. This change not only generated operational efficiency but also contributed to a remarkable customer satisfaction, reaching an average score of 9.1, reflecting a significant improvement in the overall user experience regarding returns and product exchanges at Motocard.


The successful collaboration between iF returns and Motocard has underscored Motocard's commitment to service quality. With the successful implementation of iF returns, Motocard has further positioned itself as a benchmark in its industry, demonstrating its ongoing dedication to providing a smooth and satisfactory shopping experience for its customers.